1. Shout and/or say the person's name in a strange accent.
2. Ask a ridiculous question while bouncing around like my sister when the rest of my sisters and I spiked her milk with sugar a few years ago.
3. Stumble through the rest of the interaction.
* If you don't believe me, I can have any number people confirm that THIS IS A THING and I really do it.
On account of my general social awkwardness (which may or may not be apparent), I love it when other people approach me. (Assuming I want to talk to them. Obviously.) I don't have to scream their name like I'm being murdered in a horror film to get their attention! Better yet is when they come prepared with a topic of conversation, lest I resort to pithy arguments where my opinion makes virtually no sense. This too is a "thing". I've done it several times over. Pity me in my lack of social prowess.
Enter my Pride and Prejudice tote bag.
This thing is washable canvas, perfectly sized to contain my schoolbooks and my allergy medication, AND is the ideal conversation starter. I have lost track of the number of compliments this bag has earned me. Some of them have been from gentlemenly persons. They were males who were dead serious about my Jane Austen paraphernalia. As it turns out, some of my college friends had scoped me out as potential friend material way back during orientation on account of my bag. (Emily detailed the whole start of our friendship on her blog.) I'm telling you, this tote bag is amazing. Thank goodness I have a second one at home.
(Long story. Another post for another day.)
I guess the moral of the story is that it's a good idea to wear your heart on your sleeve. Or, more specifically, your interests on your bag. Makes the whole conversation thing at least twenty times easier. The end.