Friday, October 25, 2013

The Peanut Butter Analogy

I think I need a writer's retreat. Even after a week of fall break, the words are just... Well, the only analogy I can think of is the feeling peanut butter stuck to the roof of my mouth. The stories are there, but they're almost as sticky as Ally's super-duper-borderline-crazy organic peanut butter. They're stuck to the roof of my... brain? See what I mean! I'm so desperate, I'm comparing things to peanut butter. I need a drink. By drink, I mean tea. Or coffee. Hot chocolate is also acceptable. Oh my heavens I haven't a pumpkin-flavored beverage yet. This is a major problem. Someone, anyone, please! I need a good dose of pumpkin before autumn gives way to the winter blues!!!

Back on track. I don't see a real, honest-to-goodness writing retreat anywhere in my near future, but I do see a whole month dedicated to novel writing. Ladies n' gentlemen, it is that time again. That time of the year when my crazy levels are at least three standard deviations away from average and my friends and family start to seriously reconsider my presence in their lives. It's almost NaNoWriMo!

*ze super cool image from ze NaNoWriMo webzite*
This year is a really awful year to attempt writing a novel in thirty days. I know for a fact that I am going to be super stressed about school and whatnot. But I also know that I would kick myself if I didn't at least sign up and write on the first day! Who knows what will come of next month. I think I can convince a few other sorry suckers to try their hands at (at least) a few days of frenzied writing spurts with me. The tentative plan is to reboot my NaNo novel from last year, which was not at all what I intended it to be but still showed a lot of promise. I figure if I start fresh, I can redo the whole premise but maintain the integrity of the characters and the overall feel of the story-world. Cool stuff, huh?

Now that you all know my plans, I can get back to my Astronomy homework. Maybe I'll even get a NaNo-planning session in... A girl can dream!


  1. Peanut thing ever unless it is related to books.

    How has NaNo been going for you so far? Did you get the story unstuck?

    No Pumpkin drink yet?! That's a crime!!! (As much as I hate to admit it, McDonalds has a pretty good one. Just stirr it before you drink it or you will get coffee on top and pumpkin on bottom and it isn't that great. Mixed though. Mixed is perfect.)

    What's your NaNo user name?

    1. I'm pretty far behind on NaNo (try 20,000 words), since I've been so swamped with exams and whatnot. But I am thoroughly enjoying the journey and the stories that are coming are good fun and very relaxing to write.

      I tried putting pumpkin creamer in my coffee at school... It was kind of... Weird. O_O Might have to try out Mickey D's, if I can ever get a ride!

      My NaNo username is ipopstar1. (Thoroughly embarrassing, I know, but c'est la vie.)
