Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Doing something daring.

As much as I love adventure, I am not the most adventurous person. I play it safe in practically every field. Don't do anything with a risk factor above 0.00001. Don't eat anything too abnormal. Don't say anything that will attract attention (okay, that one's a bit of a lie). But seriously. My sister has told me to not play the rules so much. Yes, ladies and gentlemen: I have been told to "let my hair down", "break some rules once in awhile", and "live a little". Her words, not mine.

Yet today, I decided to do something daring.

I signed up for the 100 for 100 Challenge! *cue the fanfare*

Go Teen Writers, a blog for young writers that y'all should really check out, is hosting their second 100 for 100 Challenge. Basically, for 100 days, you write 100 words per day. All the same manuscript. Like a less frenzied version of NaNo.

On a side note, I'm watching You've Got Mail for the first time as I type this. I missed the beginning, and I'm on a schedule, so I'll probably miss the end, but the Pride & Prejudice references? Much appreciated. Especially since I've been obsessed with The Lizzie Bennet Diaries to the point of insanity for the past few weeks, and I had to explain the whole "Colin Firth lake scene" to my sister last night. Did I mention I reread part of the book two days ago? Maybe these coincidences are really a SIGN. The Doctor says, never ignore a coincidence, unless you're busy.

Anyways, you all are probably thinking how while this 100 for 100 is indeed a challenge, it's not much of an adventure. Well, brace yourselves: I have made the split-second decision to go through with writing that Downton Abbey-esque novel I've been hinting at. The idea is strong enough that I think I could slap together 10k. It will be a good indicator of whether or not the story has any real steam.

What do you think? Am I crazy? Will you all punish me if I fail? Do you think Darcy is trying to contact me through near constant P&P references?

DARCY. Between the suspenders, the occasional newsboy caps/bow ties, and his astounding vocabulary, I've decided that the LBD version of The Great Love Interest of Literature is my soul mate. Move over, Lizzie.

PS - Why is this movie so adorable?


  1. Oooh, this is indeed adventurous. You've tickled my Tookish side ... hmm. Dare I join you ...? I'm seriously tempted.

    And I am SO HAPPY you're watching YGM!! YOU NEED TO TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK.

    1. Oh, please join me! I need a companion! Like the Doctor! I NEED YOU. :D

      As for YGM, I saw enough to get the gist of the plot, but not enough to satisfy my inner romantic. I saw from the part where they see each other at a party (I think?) and their BF's/GF's sorta hit it off, something about the guy's articles... and then I saw it just past when Joe visits her with flowers when she's sick. I had to rip myself away from the television.

      And it came right on the heels of me seeing most of Sleepless in Seattle, which is also Tom Hanks & Meg Ryan. Weird, right?

    2. Weird, but not, because we've all done it at some point. Sleepless to YGM to Sleepless and back. With usually slightly more YGM when I'm involved. ^_^

      YES I WILL JOIN YOU. I am determined. My Tookish side wins out, for better or for worse. *unsheathes little elvish dagger*
