Monday, July 9, 2012

Return of the ME!

Oh yes, I am back from camp. And yes, I leave tomorrow for my next camp. And one day to pack before the camp after that. Do you know how much I am missing for camp!? Before the summer is out, I shall be all out of friends!

Anyways, I have made my return. You may hold your applause --- you look ridiculously silly doing that alone in front of the computer screen. Work camp was great (as usual). It was a totally different experience from last year and the year before that, which was what I expected... yet didn't expect. I got to paint a shed and a bench, trim and shape about 20 hedges, serve ice cream to the elderly, weed, plant flowers, turn over soil, and meet other teenagers. I also ate a lot of unbalanced meals and played a lot of frisbee in the quad. It was great.

Now that I'm back to regular food and my own bed, I am also back to the computer, where I can rock out to Regina Spektor and write this blog post. Here goes nothing.

WRITING UPDATE: I did try to write while I was at camp. Look!
My hair was so crazy that day. The humidity was insane at camp! My hair is 80's huge in all the pictures. However, that's not the point!!! I wrote! Not much, but I wrote! :)

I am feeling really guilty after reading this post about making time to write. The first part of the list is about making excuses and putting things off. I am so guilty of that. Recently I am guilty of that. My family used to have to pry me away from my writing. Then my perfectionism started to seep in and it became less fun. Also, I am the sort of person that wants everything to have a purpose. When I'm not 100% sure what I'm doing with a project, it feels pointless and I am tempted to give up. That needs to change.

The post also talks about setting small, concrete goals. I have a handful of short stories that need finishing, so I think I am going to focus on them until I hit NaNoWriMo. I asked for Irish history books for my birthday, so I am going to wait and see if I get any before starting my research. I think I need to get back into a good habit before I can concentrate on anything huge. Oh, and do hold me accountable. Please do!

READING UPDATE: I tried to read The Scarlet Pimpernel at camp, but it was too crazy. I got another page into it, I believe, before I had to get in the 45 minute line for the shower and dash of to dinner and program. I have the book packed for my next camp and intend to read whenever possible.

Sorry this is so short. I only wish I had more free time. Believe it or not, my life might actually be simpler when I have school on my plate. Hmm, think of that...

PS - Did I mention I dreamed about stopping a fire? And that Colin Firth taught me how to get ketchup stains out of clothing? The dreams just keep getting curioser and curioser.

1 comment:

  1. ME, TOO. I'm way too much of a perfectionist when I write. O_o That HAS to change. Now. Before I get too scared of unwritten words ...
