Thursday, March 22, 2012

A Glimpse of the World of "The Elizabethan Era"

This is the part of the writing process where I do nothing, except daydream. This step can last anywhere from a few minutes to a few years. I'm one of those people that has to let my ideas ferment/simmer/etc. before I can even think about dealing with them.

I can't offer you a plot overview of my screenplay, seeing as I haven't written it yet, but I can give you the basic premise. The movie begins with a single young man, getting off of a train, flowers in hand. They're a very specific type of flower. What type of flower, I have yet to decide. But trust me, it matters!!! As he makes his way towards his destination, we get to peer into his past through a series of flashbacks that weave together his story throughout time, all of which leads up to the train, the flowers, and the final conclusion. Oh, and it's set in mid-1900's England... I think... It won't be the most historically accurate film ever, which normally would irk me, but I can't see the story in any other time period.

I promise an overview of the main characters as soon as possible. Until then, I would like to get you in the mooooood. So here it is, the song that inspired the ENTIRE story. Close your eyes and see where it takes you. Leave a comment on what you think might happen in the story. Seeing as I have told you barely anything, there should be plenty of room for imagination. Or, as my literary twin Anne of Green Gables might call it, scope for imagination.

I have no idea how to make it show up in this window. Technologically challenged... What can I say?


  1. Oh wow. I love the way your film starts... I can just SEE it happening. Ooh! We'll have to get together with you to make a little trailer for your screenplay!

  2. Oh, and I will offer some useful suggestions later. For now; I must be off! ;)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Useful suggestions? *drools* I can always use suggestions! Hahaha if you can find me a steamtrain, we will make a trailer. Goodness gracious, what I would do to have a steamtrain... They are the epitome of wonderfulness.

    Look at this:,_Arrival_of_a_Train.jpg&docid=jN5ZVxQxqkNq-M&imgurl=,_Arrival_of_a_Train.jpg&w=1052&h=854&ei=b3VsT7S5MKrd0QHHtNHsBg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=230&vpy=133&dur=1168&hovh=202&hovw=249&tx=144&ty=113&sig=102005711574167172238&page=1&tbnh=109&tbnw=128&start=0&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0

    That is my favorite painting. <3

  5. Okay, watch some E. Nesbit stories adapted into film! Like 'The Railway Children' is one... not ONLY does it have a steam train, but it also has three very mischievous children IN the early 1900's! Huzzah! I even found it on the 'Tube for you:
    I think it t'would be beneficial to thy story. I mean, seeing a production of it... well, would help!, did it help?
