Thursday, March 22, 2012

The next few weeks...

... will be pure insanity.

No, really. I don't know when I'm going to sleep. First, there's school. Then, I have to practice for debate. I have a state competition tomorrow, and I'm unbelievably nervous. And then I have to go to uber long drama rehearsals for South Pacific! (Ensign Janet MacGregor, reporting for duty!)

So where does writing fit into all of this?

That's just it. It doesn't.

Thing is, as of April 1st, it has to. Because I am going to be competing in SCRIPT FRENZY!!! Ladies and gents, I have never conquered a screenplay before. I have zero experience and no qualifications. Just a whole lot of willpower and (hopefully) potential. After editing my Script Frenzy profile about 20 times, I have decided on adapting a short story of mine for the big screen. I had been planning on expanding the story anyhow, and I think it will make for a nice film. The tentative title is (*drumroll*) The Elizabethan Era!!!

Quit wagging your fingers and shaking your heads! The screenplay isn't actually about the Elizabethan era, my pretties! My Summer of Stories companions might recall my little story about a pair of troublesome young boys and their mysterious new friend? The one titled Elizabeth? That's the one! Well, that's where my story shall begin. Brace yourselves for a beautiful story of tragedy, glory, joy, and woe. I will elaborate on the plot in the near future, but for now, the plot remains as much a mystery to me as it does to you. But I know the ending, and it's a real doozy!

I return to the world of writing on April 1st. Fasten your seatbelt, because I can guarantee a bumpy ride.


  1. Seatbelt is fastened. I'm ready.

    On the side, reading your post motivates me to somehow reinstate writing into my insanely busy life. It's a good, nay, a NECESSARY outlet which I have all but deserted.

    - Ally <3

  2. It's quite pathetic, really, how little I've written in the past month. I just haven't had the time. I'm hoping that when I put the pen to paper, several weeks worth of writing will just pour forth and make up for it all. :)

  3. I am EAGERLY awaiting this screenplay! Indeed... writing is an outlet that cannot be avoided, but sometimes our MUSES evily escape us and leave us high and dry!

    Oh dear!

    Anyway... LOVE your new blog!
