Tuesday, September 11, 2012

1, 2, 3 BREAK.

I feel gross. It's been an hour of trying to read Federalist #39 (I find it really hard to care about AP Government when all I want to do is listen to music) and feeling altogether gross. I need to go on a jog. With it getting dark so early, I come home from my after school activities, flop on the couch, and when I finally feel like I'm ready to hit the pavement, the sun has gone to bed and so must I (reference: 10 brownie points). Seriously though. In the past hour, it feels like I've gotten fatter or something. This is becoming unbearable.

Not much writing happened today. It should have, but this yucky gross feeling kept me down for most of my free time. I did transfer what I wrote in my notebook yesterday onto my Google Doc and jotted some notes on the rest of the scene. I want to write more... but the Founding Fathers... I really should be getting back to them, anyways...

This is my break. Which means it should be a break for you too. Wanna know what I do when I can't stand doing work any more? Here's a look at the latest distractions. Oh, sorry, tools to maintain my sanity.

Regina Spektor is probably my favorite solo artist. She's a genius. I don't know why, but something about her accent in this song... It's one of her stranger songs, but I like it. I keep listening to it, which is reminding me that I need to get my hands on her latest album.

Sara Bareilles is competing for the favorite solo artist award. This song perfectly describes me. Not to mention it is beautiful and inspirational and I play it on loop to try and get myself through homework (and ruts in my plot).

If you can name the episode, you get 500 reference brownie points.

I've got $75 worth of "momma credit" for exchanging an old Converse gift certificate for "cash". I know, I could spend it on Ten-like Converse, but that's hardly practical. Now I'm stalking RedBubble for fandom shirts, since my wardrobe is noticeably lacking in that department. What do you think? I'm torn. Here, look at the meme I made for you.

Yeah, I made this. Can you dig it?
I love T-Swift, but... What? Never mind, who cares. I have to admit, watching people dressed as woodland animals is quite entertaining. Oh, and I want to steal liiiiike all the dresses. Yeah.

Feeling inspired? Tell me in the comments. Nobody's been down there lately. I'm off to NOT read the Federalist papers. Procrastination? Methinks so.



    "Family of Blood"


    Hey dear, understand your pain. Distractions. They are like sooo obnoxious.

  2. The Federalist Papers? Ugh! You poor, poor girl. Madison, Hamilton, and Jay obviously didn't realize what kind of an impact their long winded essays would have on high schoolers in the future.
    I "trained" my eyes to keep moving through the pages and my hands to automatically turn them while I slipped off to daydream. It's the best speed reading technique ever!
