Monday, September 10, 2012

The Tissue Predicament

There are seriously no tissues in my house. There are two major reasons for this.

  1. I have the cold that is going around town. Let's put it this way... I don't have cheer practice tomorrow because we're all sick. Sneezing, hacking, popping Advils left and right. It's not fun.
  2. I watched Journey's End last night, a.k.a. the most painful episode of Doctor Who ever. I was literally sobbing. I kept saying, "It's just so sad!" and giving detailed explanations of why it was, indeed, sad. I ran out of tissues and had to resort to napkins. I knew all the plot twists were coming... but actually seeing them... Wow, I haven't cried that much in months. Oh Whovians, does it need saying? (Reference = 1,000 brownie points)
You tell 'em, Doc. (Reference = 200 brownie points)

Yeah, I'm awarding references now. References are cool (reference = 25 brownie points). And you can't cheat --- you have to know exactly where they come from! By scene, page, episode, whatever. You need to be able to ENVISION IT. Maybe I'll give you a prize or something... Internet cookies? *smirks at her own joke*

Reading Update: Um, well, I should be reading The Scarlet Pimpernel. But with school and sports and band and all that rot, it's been tough. All of my reading time has been invested in The Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, which I am re-reading to help teach my 5th grade co-op class. I forgot how charming that book is! They're siblings who run away and stay in a museum!!! It's like a dream come true! Minus the nagging hunger and constant worry.

Writing Update: Working hard on my short story. Making good progress... I had a mini epiphany, really gonna move the conflict along. In case y'all were wondering, it's set in WWII in the internment camp at Crystal City, TX. It deals with the internment of not only the Japanese, but the Germans as well (and the Italians, but they didn't really make the character cut). My niche is essentially taking couples and throwing them into random historically based situations, usually involving lesser known pockets of history.

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