Sunday, November 4, 2012

NaNoWriMo, Day No. 4

I don't know if I mentioned this, but I ever tell you that I have successfully dragged three people into this writing frenzy?

Well, I have. Things 1 and 2 are my two youngest sisters. I don't quite know what gave them the desire to partake in this madness, but they both signed up in October, described their plots to me over cookies, and have been dutifully typing away for four days now. Thing 1, who is 13 and qualifies for both the regular NaNoWriMo program as well as the Young Writers program, is writing a sort of fantasy adventure. Thing 2, who is 11 (I thought she was 12 until she corrected me this morning, she does act so positively grown up) is also writing a fantasy and has set a reasonable goal of 30,000 words. I am quite impressed with how responsible they have been. They are both hovering around their word goals and working hard to keep it up.

Thing 3 is my best friend, and I don't really know how she's doing. A part of me thinks she's quit already. I invited her to my mind palace for a brainstorming session (see below), which received a meager "like" on Facebook. She always comments with something witty and delightful. Particularly in matters concerning Sherlock Holmes. Even if it falls through, this is the closest I've gotten to dragging her down Novelist Lane, which is an accomplishment in and of itself.

Now comes the part of NaNoWriMo where my inner editor gets nasty. I had a brilliant session yesterday. Banged out almost two days worth of words, making up for the time lost on Friday, and surprised myself with my own characters. That's when the voice came for me.

Give in to the siren song of inner editorness and you turn to dust. Well, actually, it's a little more complex than that, and the siren is actually a doctor of sorts, and there's this other universe and human bacteria and I WATCHED DOCTOR WHO LAST NIGHT, OKAY? For sake of argument, let's just pretend that my inner editor is a siren waiting to lure this sailor to her doom.

So what do you do?

You write.

You keep writing until you can't write any more. There will be at least a million times where you are tempted to give up. If not, you're not doing it right. I fear for the writers who are totally in love with their work, 24/7. Because then it can never be edited. It can never be improved. It's stuck at where it's at and it can't move or breathe or grow or change. The writer will think that's it and it's all over. Writing is like being in love. Sometimes you feel it. Sometimes you don't. And if you quit on love when you're not "feelin' it", then it isn't really love at all.

Now I'm on to write another 1,667 words. Do I want to quit? Sort of. However, I would never be able to forgive myself if I gave up on Day 4. Certainly I have more stamina than that.

Had to add this. Brilliant episode. Just brill. Did I mention I am very close to having watched all of the new Who? Suppose I'll be watching some more of the ol' show then. I do love those ancient effects. They add to the charm!

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