Thursday, January 31, 2013

Recent Developments

Check out the new lay-out. You liiiiike? You buuuuuy?

I’ve been on a major cleaning spree, which meant the blog was majorly overdue for some tidying up. At some point I would actually like to pitch this thing to a greater audience and not hang my head in shame (although that will undoubtedly occur anyways), so enjoy the new view. Among other things, I also organized my closet, my dresser, my bulletin-board, my make-up, and my Google Drive. *awkward pause* Okay, so Google isn’t done yet. But all of the old embarrassing stuff is in its own separate folder, which prevents it from discouraging me in my latest endeavors.

More news: The final installment of our family Christmas gift arrived in the mail… Season 3 of Downton Abbey. Now the question is, is it ethical to skip ahead and watch the whole thing ahead of the majority of the country? I mean, all the British people already know everything! Plus, my best friend has seen the whole series, so it seems only fair… Thoughts?

Even more news: The 100 for 100 Challenge is fast approaching. I feel so unprepared! Just like NaNoWriMo, I probably won’t “officially” decide what I’m writing about until the day of. Anything I say before then should be disregarded as rubbish. Fortunately, I am not alone in this adventure! My friends over at Charlie and Me will be joining me! I can’t wait to see what we all come up with. It’s bound to be a real adventure.
(I hope.)


  1. I really love it... it's very fresh and clean, and it's much better than the old look! I like the layout of the sidebars, too. :)

  2. I love the new look--and just like the old look, it so perfectly sums up you and your style. ^_^

    And, HECK YEAH, it's gonna be an adventure. No telling what's ahead, and that's where the excitement lies!

  3. Hehe, good luck with the 100 for 100 challenge. :)

    Yes, I do rather like the layout. Coolio. :)
