Friday, June 14, 2013

Seasonal Confusion

My sister and I are recovering from a bout of what we'll call seasonal confusion. See, we just spent three days at the beach, and it was COLD. Now I see why the place was practically deserted... Nobody goes to the beach in early June. The ocean is almost as cold as Steven Moffat's heart.

The man DRINKS our TEARS, people. He's cold.
Due to this aforementioned seasonal confusion, I found myself lacking the typical summer cravings (watermelon, strawberries, hamburgers, ice cream, etc.) So when we visited The Bookend Cafe, I did not order a summery drink. Oh no. I ordered an iced pumpkin spice latte. And let me tell you, it was delicious. Totally worth the caffeine headache.

This place was adorable. If you ever visit Delaware, I would highly encourage you to drop in. The combination of coffee, tea, and used books had me on Cloud Nine. The place is super cute and I would love to hang out there every morning, sipping a beverage while I write a best-seller. Unfortunately, I didn't end up purchasing a book, although a few volumes were highly tempting.(HIGHLY tempting. But with college coming, I'm minding my funds and hoarding my Barnes & Noble gift cards.)

Isn't this display *darling*!?
I did my best to read and write while I was at the beach. I got some in, but not as much as I had hoped. Lots of time was spent on the town and at church. The time I did get to myself, I found incredibly hard to write during. I really am stuck this time, guys. So stuck that I'm beginning to fear I'll never get unstuck. I'm Pooh Bear stuck. I'm throwing words at a wall and they aren't sticking. I'm desperate. I need an idea so badly I could cry. Oh bother!

Poor Pooh. :(

I just can't seem to find the story I want to tell. Believe me, I'm praying about it. When I find it, I'll be sure to let you know. Until then, I'll keep writing sweet nothings and wishing for rain (more specifically, brainstorm-induced rain, a.k.a. ideas).

Another summer reading suggestion for you guys. The Penderwicks: A Summer Tale of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits, and a Very Interesting Boy. Super adorable and perfectly refreshing as a summer read. Take it to the beach with you --- Maybe you'll experience clearer skies and warmer waters!

1 comment:

  1. The Penderwicks was absolutely the most adorable book of my childhood!! In retrospect, I think we should have gotten Sof a pair of Batty's wings for Halloween.
