Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Genius: 99% perspiration, 1% inspiration.


Seriously, though. That 1% may be small, but it makes all the difference. Since all of my perspiration is being saved for final exams and a weekend spent in the sun, I might as well focus on that inspiration bit.

Current-Inspiration-Sensation #1: These utterly stunning wedding gowns/accessories!

Ruche sells some really pretty things (although some of the stuff I wouldn't exactly recommend wearing), but one of the coolest things about this store is all of their wedding stuff. I repeat: WEDDING STUFF.

This 20's inspired dress is so beautiful. With some alterations to the neckline, I would totally wear this. Maybe not as a wedding dress, but it is very much a ball-worthy dress. I highly recommend sifting through their wedding dresses and bridesmaid dresses if you want to get a vintage feel. The colors are gorgeous. Just the palette makes me want to do something creative!

Did I mention the gloves? I've simply been dying for a pair. I can't decide which I love more: these or these. They're so lovely --- for some reason, lovely things inspire me.

Current-Inspiration-Sensation #2: The Civil Wars

I wouldn't call this a "current" inspiration. I would call it my "constant" inspiration. I adore their music. There is always one song that strikes a chord with me and conjures a scene in my mind. For example...

Every time I hear this song, I see the main characters from my Irish novel. I won't go into detail (SPOILER ALERT!!!), but for some bizarre reason I think this song hits their relationship on the head. Not to mention the music video! It's so sad and hopeful and it really expresses the complexity of relationships. (Note to reader: These guys aren't dating. They're married, but not to each other. They just make beautiful music together.)

Threw this one in for all of you Hunger Games fans. But this song really helps me to channel my sad side. This song is going to be a lifesaver when I write my dystopia for NaNoWriMo.

This song is more for me than for my characters. It's my future husband song. :) Like I said, they make beautiful music together.

If you love these two as much as I do, go buy their CD. Best purchase I ever made. For writing music, I'd recommend: Pressing Flowers, 20 Years, My Father's Father, Falling... pretty much everything they've ever written...

Current-Inspiration-Sensation #3: Wait for it... MR. DARCY.

This is really weird because I don't know where it came from. But all week I have been craving Pride and Prejudice and making references left and right.

Friend: ... so apparently he wants his sister to text me. I don't really understand why.
Me: Maybe she's the Georgiana to his Darcy?
Friend: ...
Me: They're close... and... stuff... *awkward silence*

I have also been talking in a British accent. Oh, and I'm watching the Kiera Knightley version for the first time ever on a friend's iPod in Chemistry. (We call it our study in the the Chemistry of Luuuurve.) I can't say I'm crazy about this version, but it has certainly given me the urge to dance and wear period clothing. Plus, tonight I realized there is this one guy who reminds me terribly of Mr. Darcy... It's quite horrible. I'll be swooning all over someone who isn't really Darcy in the first place. Terrible habit, I know.

Now, I'm off to finish my last REAL day of school. In a week, I shall be on my way to senior year. My my, how the time flies! I'm hoping my Memorial Day weekend beach escapade will equal writing time, not just studying/reading Emma/doing ridiculous things with my cousins time. Wish me luck!


  1. OH! Oh! I've been wanting to get lovely, romantic gloves, too! To get myself "in the mood" for our big band formal ... where we'll swing the night away ...

    Teehee. The Georgiana to his Darcy. That's rich.

    1. *snickers* "In the Mood". Glenn Miller. >.<

      Oooooh that formal sounds so fun! I am thoroughly jealous. :D

  2. Thank you, dear Monica. I am officially addicted to the Civil Wars, Ruche, and P&P. Well, that last one I'm always addicted to, but you got me back into it. ;)

    So, do you hope that Taylor does more with the Civil Wars? Their voices are SO amazing together. I think they bring out the 'folklorey' part out of her. They should do a CD altogether or something.... cool... like that. ;)

    1. I love them together. It's a match made in heaven! I don't think they're doing anything right now, but I hope they pair up again the future. If they did a CD together, I would probably die and go to heaven on the spot.

  3. BTW, go with the Adulation gloves. Way classy. ;D
