Sunday, May 20, 2012

I am at an impasse.


[im-pas, im-pas] 
1. a position or situation from which there is no escape; deadlock.
2. a road or way that has no outlet; cul-de-sac.
(Courtesy of Just in case their copyright ninjas come to kill me or something. *shrug*)
First, I shall note that the words "no escape" brought to mind the lyrics of this song to mind. Now, to describe the aforementioned impasse!
Calm yourselves! This is not going to be a post where I wallow in self-pity and tell you what a horrible writer I am. (We shall save THAT post for another day. Just kidding, of course.) But really, I simply cannot write. Why? Because I have done only about 0.34% of the research necessary to proceed with my historical fiction novel. This is a real bummer because I just came up with the best opening scene ever, but it involves a newspaper and that means I actually have to be accurate in terms of headlines. Meh. Work. Me no like.
This means that I am going to have to actually pick up a book or look up a website and start reading. This is a problem because I have no time to research, and barely any time to write. As usual, my life's dream of writing the best fictional account of the Irish War of Independence ever known to mankind has to be set on the back-burner for a little while. For the time being, I am looking up potential titles to delve into and organizing reliable websites. And brainstorming. Lots and lots and brainstorming. Don't worry, it will all come together. I love the characters of this story too much to let them go unwritten.
In other literary news, we had our release party for our Lit Mag last night! I drank a chocolate peanut butter mocha smoothie. It was fantastic and so big I nearly got sick. We all read aloud from our pieces in the Lit Mag (mine was kind of awkward because I did a few paragraphs of my essay and then tapered off) and bought advance copies. My best friend's aunt, who judged the essay contest, attended and it was a blast. Furthermore, one of my good friends drove out to see us and nearly gave me a heart attack when he randomly showed up in the restaurant. As far as Lit Mag goes, I will be selling magazines for the next three school days during my lunch period. Next Monday are elections for editorial positions for the upcoming year. I was junior co-editor this year (!!!), so we'll see what happens.
In terms of reading, I am still on Emma. I only get to read tidbits in my spare time, and it takes every ounce of willpower not to skip ahead and sneak a peek at all the amazingness that is guaranteed to come.

I guess that's it. Not all that exciting. Just wait til NaNoWriMo --- THAT will be exciting.

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