Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Going green... with envy.

This Saturday, I missed THE SOCIAL *dramatic music*. Yes yes, Marlene will tell you all about it, with her hysterically captioned photos and the occasional swish of her altogether wonderful Narnia dress that is pretty much to die for (view it right here). I, however, was making beauuuutiful music at my band concert. Not sure if it was worth it yet. The recording will tell. (I intend to send the recording to everyone to prove that my missing the social was not a complete waste. Besides, I want everyone to realize how much they should have missed me. My presence simply livens up the room. I'm sure they all missed me... I think, at least...)

This Saturday I also took my SAT's, which was interesting because it was sort of a fiasco. The up side was I wrote my entire essay on Sense and Sensibility. I wanted to cover it with hearts and smiley faces, but that wouldn't do.

Today was my AP Spanish Exam. I cannot tell you any details or else the College Board will shoot me, or so my guidance counselor claims. However, I can tell you that it went relatively well, considering I was a complete mess of sweatpants and strangely frizzy hair. (Usually I am the picture of elegance. Hmm.) Now the storm is over, and I only have to survive...

- the drama banquet
- the Forensics banquet
- Lit Mag production week
- Lit Mag release party
- chorus rehearsals
- chorus concert
- finals week

Did I mention I won first in the essay contest? Yeah, that will be in the Lit Mag. Oh, and I got a solo in the chorus concert? NBD. I'm not still freaking out or anything.

Enough about my life. I guess I feel the need to explain my absence on this blog. I'm turning into one of those teenage girls who acts like her blog is her personal diary. Someone should really hold an intervention.

Concerning writing...

~ I have successfully written two 250 word scholarship essays. One concerned my choice of "do-over" in life (join the band freshman year, duh), and the other concerned the importance of education (it rocks, obviously). I wrote them both with a rather humorous tone. I figured that scholarship people would find it refreshing.

~ This month is supposed to be an Ireland research month. Except that I have yet to get my hands on any books. The Internet can be kind of shady, I've learned, so I'd prefer to start with some published material. I plan on blowing my $25 B&N gift card as soon as possible. I'm hoping to buy used to save money. Wootwoot!

~ I want to start planning for NaNoWriMo, seeing as I haven't really worked on a concrete project in ages. I'm a bum. Almost as much as this guy over here. (If you got the reference, I award you 259.8 brownie points). I'm leaning towards writing a dystopia. I've never really written anything so dark before, but the idea is promising... It's kind of satire... I think.

~ I have discovered I really want to write a novel about Russia. They have really cool names over there. I suppose this will come after my Ireland novel. Assuming I ever get to write it.

Now, on to reading.

I am still in the middle of Emma. And as usual, I talk to myself while I read it.

Me, Last Night (A Monologue-Turned-Poem)
Where is Mr. Knightley when you need him?
That's awkward.
John, you big idiot.
Of course.
Mr. Elton, I swear!
Oh, Emma.

I do the same thing reading A Tale of Two Cities.

A Mental Monologue (Due to my Being-In-School)
you stink.
Oh, I get it now.
Mr. Lorry! You adorable old man.
The question is, who dies first?
Kate, don't you dare read the ending without reading the book.
Gah, Darnay!

Now, to do nothing. I have waited so long for this moment. *sigh*

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