Sunday, February 10, 2013


My first tag! Ladies n' gentlemen, I have been tagged! Tagged, I tell you! It's so exciting.

I was tagged by Treskie of Occasional Randomness, who runs a super cute blog. Checking out her blog has revealed that I am not the only Whovian/Sherlockian/Fantom of the Opera (I totes just made that up)/lover of letters in this world! Her blog is an explosion of color and happiness. I'm so glad she tagged me, because scanning through her posts brought a smile to my face.

Now, I am faced with her challenge: answer ten of her questions about yours truly. I'm thrilled to have an opportunity to talk about myself. I like those opportunities too much for my own good. Dear Lord, teach me humility!

* Acknowledge the person who passed the award to you and provide their link.
* Include the award logo on your blog.
* Answer the ten questions posted below.
* Make up your own ten questions for the next people.
* Nominate blogs and link those you have especially enjoyed reading. The number you can select is up to you.
* Notify each individual that you have nominated them.

Now, unto the questions!

1. Do you like waffles?
Are you kidding! I love 'em! So much, it shouldn't be legal. Belgian waffles with whipped cream, powdered sugar, and fresh fruit? My downfall. Mmm-mmm!

2. What does the word, "DoooWEEEEOOOOO!" mean to you? 
It means that something magical and wonderful is about to happen. It means that I'm about to go on an adventure, and that I'm going to smile, laugh, and cry along the way. But sometimes, words can't express these feelings. Sometimes, I need an audio-visual. Would this help?

3. How tall are you?
Five foot, three and three quarter inches. The three quarter inches are essential. Practically every guy towers over me. It makes hugging interesting, considering how much I love hugging.

4. On a scale of one to ten, ten being the greatest, how much do you need coffee?
This question is actually quite difficult. See, I get caffeine headaches... but love coffee. And I've been craving a cup all evening. So seven on the "I want to drink it" scale, and zero on the "my body can handle it" scale.

5. Would you like a Hiddleston hug?
Yeah, sure. I'm not a Hiddleston fan (yet), but he seems pretty awesome, so sure!

6. On average, how many books a year do you read?
I honestly have no idea. You'd think it would be a ton, but I am super busy throughout the year, so I might get through anywhere from one to twenty in a month! It really depends on my mood and my schedule.

7. Who's your favorite musical artist?
That's a difficult question. Not counting bands (artist being singular)... I love A Fine Frenzy, Regina Spektor, and Sara Bareilles.

8. How do you feel about black and white movies?
Like I need to watch more of them.

9. Favorite type of food? (i.e. Italian, Chinese, American...)
Probably Italian. Did I mention we got an Olive Garden fifteen minutes away now? SCORE.

10. Can you count to five? ... In Swahili!?
No. But I can sing The Circle of Life in Swahili. At least, I'll be able to once my chorus practices some more.

I'm gonna be honest, I don't really have anyone to tag, except for my friends Ally, Marlene, and Athena at Charlie and Me. So I guess I will only be tagging them, collectively. ^_^

Since we're friends in "real life", this should make the questions interesting. I think I'll try and set the stage for y'all to see some of the reasons why I love them so much in real life! So, without further ado:

  1. Genie appears! Three wishes! What are they?
  2. Who would win, sharks or ghosts?*
  3. If you could only wear one color with all of your neutrals for a year, what would you choose?
  4. Zombie apocalypse! You're stuck with the last three characters you read, wrote, or saw. What are your chances of survival?
  5. What would be your plan of action if you were in The Hunger Games?
  6. What is the most unproductive thing you've done this week?
  7. Can you recite or sing the alphabet backwards?
  8. Fruity candy, or chocolate?
  9. What do you do when you're stressed?
  10. If you were stuck on an island with five fictitious characters, who would you choose to be stuck with and why? 
* This question was posed during my co-op. I think there would be a stalemate because they can't do much to each other physically. Or can they?

I am on track for the 100-4-100 Challenge. I'm planning an update post so I can tell you about my progress. Just know that I am filling my daily quota and enjoying myself!  

1 comment:

  1. Italian is probably my favorite kind of food too. :D We make really good spaghetti sauce too. LA!

    Black and white movies are really simple. Usually really good characters and always clean. If you want a few recommendations... Bachelor Mother is really good. (The title is misleading. It's a really good story.) And... Vivacious Lady is really good too. Also, Road to Rio. lol.

    I wasn't a huge Hiddleston fan until about a month ago. But the more I find out about him the more I can like and respect him... You know how hard it is to find a celebrity to actually RESPECT? :) Yeah. He's pretty cool.

    You're welcome! Glad you liked my bloggy. :)
