Friday, January 3, 2014

Concerning "Writerly Duties"

I just told my mother that I had writerly duties to attend to. "Writerly duties?" she responded. "Is that a club or something?" "No, Mom," I said, then launched an explanation of all the writer-ish things I have on my plate. The articles, the blog posts, the essays... I am a busy woman!

Equipped with a cup of Earl Grey in my Anne Shirley mug (courtesy of my dear friend Abby), I take to my laptop, eager to get some words on the page/screen. I was totally psyched to write yesterday --- Ally and I were supposed to have a writing retreat in a ski lodge --- but a snowstorm interfered. I'm looking at you, Elsa.

She does what she wants.
Instead of having an at home writing retreat, my cold decided to knock out any and all motivation so that all I could bring myself to do was watch The Legend of Korra and Sherlock. All. Day. Long. I wouldn't call it an unproductive day, though. I did character analysis on the cast of Korra and found out that Molly Hooper and I both do the same giggle thing. Also, the first episode of Season 3 of Sherlock is brilliant. #feels

An example of le giggle.
Now I am back on track, thanks to cough drops and a hot shower. (And Sherlock hair ruffling.) Before I return to the world of More Serious Writerly Duties, I thought I would tell you a little bit about my recent trip to Barnes & Noble and show you some cool stuff.

First up, this blanket. I had to snap a picture because it was so darn awesome, would totally match my future house decor, and I recognized all the quotes.

Isn't it practically perfect in every way!?
I can't find a link for the product online, but I can personally assure you that this blanket was for realsies. If they have one at your local B&N and you have $40 just begging to be spent, purchase it in my stead. I entreat you.

I also read some Hans Christian Andersen fairy tales, which I thoroughly I enjoyed. I have a few of his fairy tales upstairs (the more popular ones) which my sister bought but never read (!?), so I might try and read some today. Reading from the H.C.A. collection stirred my memory and made me realize that after years of doubting its existence and dubbing it a figure of my imagination, the Hans Christian Andersen movie DOES exist, and it has Danny Kaye. My mind was blown.

See! It's real!
I spent the rest of the trip sitting on the floor, reading The Art of Frozen, a $40 book that I desperately want but don't have the means to buy. I love reading the story behind the story, and the Norwegian influence on the movie is so fascinating, I found myself wishing I could have been a part of the production. I've spent weeks drooling over Frozen concept art now. Is that weird?

You can purchase the book here. I think I'll wait for someone to sell a used copy!
I didn't buy anything on our B&N trip, but it was really fun. It was also quite rewarding: My sister bought her own copy of Macbeth! No new books for me until I can read all the ones I bought this summer. It's a new year, and time for some new stories. I can hardly wait!!!

Tenzin and I are both pretty excited about new books and Macbeth.

Now, back to those writerly duties. Later, gators.

* Confirmed: Writerly is, in fact, a word. I give you solid proof.


  1. SHERLOCK IS OUT?!?!?!?!?! I have to find it. Must. Watch. It. Been so long waiting, I didn't even think it was possible for it to be out so I gave up trying to find the actual release date.
    I also want to watch Korra. I loved Avatar, the characters were sooo much fun! I've been dying to start the new series.

    Your Barnes and Noble troubles sound like mine. So many wonderful books...not enough money. One of the greatest trails of life.

    Frozen is fantastic. Love that movie.

    1. I found links to Sherlock on the Internet. It doesn't premiere in the US until the 19th, but I'll be at school, which is pretty much a recipe for poor wi-fi and tears. :) I would highly recommend Korra. There are lots of new, awesome characters, plus the setting and costumes are EPIC. I'm almost done with Book 2, and I simply cannot wait to be in another fandom waiting for another season. *sarcasm hand raised*

      I've come to the realization that B&N trips are dangerous adventures, and it's best not to go alone. One can never be sure when they'll lose control and blow their life savings in one foul swoop.
