Sunday, April 22, 2012

Now what?

I feel like such a bum, not finishing Script Frenzy. They're still sending me inspirational e-mails... It's kind of like an awkward break-up.

Script Frenzy: "I really just want to see you succeed. I think you're great and---"
Me: "I'm sorry, this isn't working."
Script Frenzy: "Wh-what? But I thought that you were a swashbuckling writer, unafraid of new challenges?"
Me: *sigh* "I am. But... there's someone else."
Script Frenzy: "WHO IS IT!? NaNoWriMo? No, too far away. Camp NaNoWriMo!?"
Me: "It's... Holy Week."
Script Frenzy: *dumbfounded*
Me: "... and cheerleading try-outs..."
Script Frenzy: *gasp* "Two...!?"
Me: "... and prom."
Script Frenzy: *mother of all gasps* *dies on the spot*
Me: "Did I mention SAT studying? Oh, and my big scary AP Spanish test. And all my regular classes? Oh, and then there were the college visits..."

Thing is, my idea wasn't developed enough for me to go trucking through a hundred pages of it. Not with this much stuff going on. So there, I've made my excuses. Please, forgive me. I beg your pardon.


  • According to my battle plans, next month is a research month! Huzzah! Except that I am a horrible researcher. Not so huzzah-esque. I'm researching early 20th century Ireland, which is pretty much AWESOME, but also extremely challenging. STORY TIME. *scene goes blurry*
    • So this one time, I went to the library. I took out a book about the IRA and planned to read the chapters that focused on the 1910's-20's. I handed it to the librarian and she said to me, "Is this for school?" Being so proud of my historical fiction writerness, I declared, "No! Just for fun." The librarian made a face and said, "Well that looks boring." I returned the book a week later because I couldn't understand a lick of it. Darn you Irish politics.
  • Without Script Frenzy, that makes this month a free write month! Yippee! I am already leafing through my old notes and inspiration to make a final decision on my NaNoWriMo topic and looking over short stories that need finishing.
  • I also just watched 3 hours of Downtown Abbey and feel pretty goshdarn inspired. There were certain parts I could have done without *elbow* if-ya-know-what-I-mean, but overall I enjoyed it. Although, after all of that, relatively few people have remained in my favor. And I love William, even though he gets like 2 minutes of screen time and he's not even important. (NO SPOILERS, PLEASE. IF IT TURNS OUT HE'S A SERIAL KILLER OR SOMETHING, I DON'T WANT TO KNOW. I'M NOT LISTENING... LALALALALA...)
  • In terms of reading, I just conquered May the Road Rise to Meet You, which was quite good overall. The author had too many storylines, however, and I don't think any of the aspects of the plot ever fully developed. Now I am back to Emma, which is even better! And I'm reading A Tale of Two Cities for school, which is quite enjoyable thus far. If you have read any or all of these books, please bring the discussion to the comment section. Sans spoilers, of course.
I plan to keep you all posted on my adventures, assuming I actually write something and don't end up watching Doctor Who while sketching the Twelve Dancing Princesses again. (I was always a strange child.) Until then, farewell.


  1. Ooooooh, I love Dickens. And "A Tale of Two Cities." Tell me when you're done, because then we can have a literary discussion! *swoons on fainting couch*

    I love reading your blog. And just about everything else you write. Yeah, you say that you're depressed about the Script Frenzy deal, but reading your posts just makes me want to write write write ... and write some more ...


  2. Oh, and if you have any moments while your reading "Emma" where you just need to vent about how incredibly wonderful Mr. Knightley is ... just call me. Please. So says the girl who gazes longingly at her Mr. Knightley portrait on a regular basis.
