Saturday, April 14, 2012

Well, this is awkward.

So, it doesn't look like I'm going to be finishing Script Frenzy.

Hold back your tears, it's alright. This just wasn't a good month. I'm leaving in T-minus 10 minutes for a three day weekend full of college visits (!) and I have cheerleading try-outs all of next week (!) and then prom (!!!), so I don't think it's going to get much further. I'm sorry.

BUT, that means that I am now able to free write and research for historical fiction! Huzzah!

Here is a look at the battle plans that hang proudly in my bedroom. My muse, Sir Peter of Whimsy, tends to mosey along whereas I am forced to take the direct route. Have a look! (NaNoWriMo is covered by the zebra print flower my little sister made me. O_O)

I was also going to share a picture of my Victory! poster (featuring a pretty awesome Dalek), but the computer hates me. :(

1 comment:

  1. I WANT that set of battle plans. Really. It is really really awesome...

    Sorry to hear that you aren't going to finish the Frenzy, but I'm proud that you got as far as you did! :D
