Sunday, April 1, 2012

Let the Games begin.

But not the Hunger Games, nor the Olympic Games, but the SCRIPT FRENZY GAMES!


Is it so wrong if I'm not freaking out? I wrote just over three pages this morning, and scriptwriting seems considerably easier than noveling. (Please, writers, don't shoot me if you disagree!) But I mean, it's all showing. You can go wherever you want, and as long as you can write good dialogue, you're more or less set. The hardest part is resisting the urge to direct as I write. You're not supposed to be overly descriptive in screenplays, and I have to fight the temptation to describe every single one of the shots or give full character backstory. But so far, the story is unfolding nicely. Here's a sample:

Int. Train

JAMES sits alone inside his car. In his hand, he is holding a small bouquet of wilting flowers. It must be a warm day, because his collar is loose, and the other passengers are fanning themselves. He is frowning and his fellow travelers seem to be more or less avoiding contact.

(leaning from across the aisle) (to James) Hullo, sir. Fine weather we're having, eh?

(flatly) I suppose so, yes.

Where are you headed?

(looking out the window, uninterested) Charlotteville.

(recognition) Ah, Charlotteville. Quaint little town. Stopped there myself, on occasion. (noticing the bouquet) Going to visit anyone?

(pause) Yes.

It's rather flowery, I suppose, but I'm experimenting. Usually I have a sense of what's good and what isn't, but this is uncharted territory! Now the challenge is to get through my last performance of the school musical without passing out from exhaustion (we have to strike set, which means I will be there for an ETERNITY), then do homework and get sleep. Not to mention that it's HOLY WEEK *fanfare* which means I need to really work on squeezing the best outta Lent. Good Friday is usually a humbling experience for me: I swore of any and all technology last year, including music, and because I don't have school, it's usually a quiet atmosphere. I wish you all the best with your Holy Week, and I can tell you personally that I simply cannot wait until Easter.

Happy writing!



    I wish you the best on this enterprise... and OMGosh I love the sample you gave! Makes me wanna watch the movie even more now!

    But on the side, there IS a museum in downtown Scranton that has steamtrains... we might be able to ask permission to make a little trailer with one...

    JUST SAYIN'. Might be a fun summer project. Just sayin'. Besides, I wanted to do a little trailer (or two) for the Taverner Chronicles as well, so maybe we could make this trailer summer. OR SOMETHING.

  2. OH MY GOODNESS I KNOW! STEAMTOWN! <3 Ahhhh trailers. <3 I WANNA HELP WITH THE TAVERNER CHRONICLES. Let me know if you need me. ;)
