Thursday, June 7, 2012

In Which I Say "Sorry"

I have been saying "sorry" a lot lately.

For example, I'm sorry that I haven't had a chance to post recently. Between my sister's godfather's ordination (he's a deacon now!) and my wisdom teeth surgery, I haven't had a chance. But you knew that... Right?

I also kept apologizing to the surgeon when they removed all four of my impacted wisdom teeth. The laughing gas didn't make me as crazy as this poor gel, but I was quite determined to prove that I was perfectly competent and ended up sounding like a lunatic. I used a lot of "thank yous" as well. I was also shivering and crying because I missed my mom. But that's besides the point.

Now that I look like a chipmunk and have nothing to do besides watch Downton Abbey, Sherlock, Boy Meets World, NCIS, The Middle (I really can't do much), etc., I can actually sit and WRITE. It's amazing! I'm doing some work on developing my characters which is probably one of the best parts of writing. And now I can write a blog post, which is fantastically fun and great writing practice!

Writing Update!!! Now that I'm home and alive and stuff, I'm working with the infamous Irish novel. Like I said, focused on characters. Research when I feel a little better. The research is soooo daunting for this book! I want one of the characters father to be a doctor (don't swoon, Marlene, he's no Dr. R), but there are no books out there titled All You Need to Know About Doctors During the Irish War of Independence - with Photographs. Here are some titles I wish existed.

  • Irish Politics for Dummies
  • Medicine in Ireland from 1919 - 1921
  • The Doctor, A Convenient Trip to the Setting of Your Choice, and the TARDIS
  • Irish Pastimes of the Early 20th Century
  • What Everyone was Like (audio CD w/ interviews included)
  • How the Irish War of Independence Played Out for Everyone in a Small Country Village Located Near the Ocean in Co. Cork
I need to contact a lot of people, read a lot of books, and watch some more movies before I can really get this thing going. I don't know where I'll find the time. But this is a labor of love, one that is moving at the speed of molasses but is made of love anyways. My library is short on books concerning Irish history which is partially why I need to reassess my situation. However, this summer, I will be attending a talk on Irish history at the camp I am going to (LUCK O' THE IRISH), so hopefully that will help me to form a base for my research and move on from there. Until then, I will keep filling up the Netflix queue with films that I hope will give me a feel for what I'm supposed to be writing about.

In one of my upcoming blog posts, I'd like to tell you a little bit about my characters. I guarantee they won't be the same people who end up in my book (my characters usually undergo a series of make-overs before making the cut), but it'll give you a general idea of the character archetypes I'm dealing with.

Reading Update!!! Still reading Emma. I showed up at the doctor's office with it, literally clutching it to my chest. I opened it, read one sentence about Mr. Frank Churchill doing something-or-other, and they called my name. I nearly cried.

That's all for now. I'm off to rest and recover until my mum decides to drive my wretched self somewhere just for a change of scenery. Here's to a speedy recovery!

1 comment:

  1. Teehee. "All You Need to Know About Doctors During the Irish War of Independence - with Photographs." :D
